At unybrands, we have a deep understanding of e-commerce. As online consumer demand is exploding, our ethos buy, build, boost enables successful microbrands to reach new heights. Whether your Amazon FBA or DTC store has grown beyond the size you are able to manage or you’re pivoting your focus towards a new venture, choosing the right partner to exit your business requires some forethought. Do I sell to a competitor or strategic buyer like unybrands? Sell it privately or go with a third-party advisor like a broker? While we believe that we are your fastest, most reliable, and usually highest value option, there is much more to know about us. Our co-founder Eugen Miropolski lets you in on why you can trust unybrands with the future success and legacy of your company.
We pay well-and fast
We have extensive financial resources and never make it complicated for entrepreneurs. In fact, everything we do we base on the perspective of our partners. Looking to be paid upfront? Our first seed round closed at $25M, so we are happy to do that for you. If you wish to proceed differently, we are there for you too: We always customize our payouts, no matter the founder’s situation.
We are entrepreneurs ourselves
At unybrands, we value entrepreneurs. We want to be more than your best partner: Our goal is to empower entrepreneurs and help them fulfill their mission. Many founders are creative, visionary, and outstanding product developers. At some point, however, they hit the ceiling, often due to insufficient funds or inventory planning. Or it could be Amazon itself, and a lack of time to deal with its ecosystem. When they sell to us, we enable them and their brand to grow significantly in every possible way, from enhancing product development to building a more efficient supply chain and reaching new marketing targets. Of course, if they wish to stay on board with us, we tailor everything to their situation and strengths.

Our team’s experience is truly diverse
Our team relies on much more than decades of experience: together we’ve held a variety of pivotal roles, not just in e-commerce but in international expansion, finance, global marketing, and more. From Ulrich, our CEO, who has worked as a consumer retail sector specialist in M&A and financing for over 20 years, to my record of scaling companies from small start-ups to being very large-when I joined Airbnb in 2011, it had less than 100 employees; today it is one of the largest businesses in the world-to Ameet, our VP Supply Chain, who significantly shaped the infrastructures of major companies such as Amazon. Or Anuj, who has over 20 years of experience in e-commerce retail on and off Amazon.
We are international from the get-go
Having launched in the US or in Europe, many of our competitors fail to cover a wide geography. Our network is truly global, and while we’re physically based in Seattle, Miami, London, and Berlin, we help our brands launch in new markets, no matter the location.
We deliberately focus on eight consumer categories
We’re proud of our wide-ranging experience, but unybrands isn’t the company that does a bit of everything. From personal to home and pet care, sellers choose us because we know these categories better than anyone. For us, it’s not about the number of brands we choose to acquire, but about their quality.
We understand the ins and outs of e-commerce
E-commerce is here to stay; we believed in it long before the pandemic accelerated online shopping. The demand for niche brands has never been higher. In today’s world, beyond offline, TV, and radio channels, digital ones can cater to people a lot more authentically. Our brands are more than organic and sustainable: they can genuinely meet individual tastes and preferences.

Besides Amazon FBA brands, we also buy other DTC stores
E-commerce encompasses much more than Amazon. With a clear understanding of what kind of companies fit into our portfolio, and how to operate them on a day-to-day once they are integrated onto our platform, we also buy and scale brands on other market places as well as DTC stores, and help them launch on other channels, too.
Technology and data are our main drivers
We are building an end-to-end tech platform that will shape the next generation of e-commerce. More than becoming a leading force, we see this as a unique opportunity to build a defining consumer brand company that is operating a diversified portfolio of authentic brands for our clients.
unybrands is on a mission to shape the future of e-commerce by buying, building, and boosting successful Amazon FBA and other market places as well as DTC e-commerce brands. Have we piqued your interest? We’re happy to share what makes a desirable business to us and what you as a seller can anticipate from our bespoke acquisition process. Just reach out to us at